ジャパン/コンピュータ・ネット代表取締役 岩戸あつし






If a dispute arises between the parties (the “Dispute”), the parties agree to negotiate in good faith to resolve the Dispute. If the Dispute has not been resolved by negotiation within 30 days, of a written notification of the Dispute by a party, the parties may refer the Dispute for arbitration in accordance with the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules. The appointing authority will be the Australian Centre for International Commercial Arbitration. There is to be a single arbitrator. The place of arbitration is to be Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. The language of the arbitration is to be English. The parties must agree on the appointment of an arbitrator. If the parties do not agree on the arbitrator to be appointed within fourteen (14) days of the Dispute proceeding to arbitration, the arbitrator is to be appointed in accordance with the ACICA’s Rules for Arbitration. The parties agree to request the arbitrator to make their determination within 90 days after the Dispute was referred to arbitration. Any arbitration is to be final and binding, including any award as to costs. Offers of settlement or any matter disclosed in the course of arbitration must be treated as without prejudice and not an admission of liability. Nothing in this clause will prevent a party from seeking urgent interlocutory relief through courts of appropriate jurisdiction.


問:Summarize the followings in bullet points:

答:Here are the bullet points summarizing the DISPUTES clause:
• Parties agree to negotiate in good faith to resolve any dispute
• If dispute not resolved in 30 days, parties may refer it for arbitration
• Arbitration to be conducted in accordance with UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules
• Australian Centre for International Commercial Arbitration to be appointing authority
• A single arbitrator will be appointed
• Arbitration to take place in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
• Language of arbitration to be English
• Parties must agree on arbitrator’s appointment; if they don’t, the arbitrator will be appointed according to ACICA’s Rules for Arbitration
• Arbitrator must make determination within 90 days of dispute referral
• Any arbitration decision, including costs, is final and binding
• Settlement offers or matters disclosed during arbitration are without prejudice and not an admission of liability
• Parties can seek urgent interlocutory relief through courts of appropriate jurisdiction



• 双方の当事者の間に紛争が生じた場合(「紛争」と呼びます)、当事者は善意をもって協議して紛争を解決することに同意します。
• 当事者の一方からの書面による紛争の通知から30日以内に協議による解決がなされなかった場合、当事者はUNCITRAL仲裁規則に従って紛争を仲裁することができます。
• 仲裁委員会の任命権限は、オーストラリア国際商事仲裁センターが持ちます。仲裁員は1名です。
• 仲裁の場所は、オーストラリア・ビクトリア州メルボルンとします。
• 仲裁の言語は英語です。
• 当事者は、仲裁員の任命について合意する必要があります。仲裁の手続きが開始されてから14日以内に仲裁員の任命について当事者間で合意ができなかった場合、仲裁員はACICA仲裁規則に従って任命されます。
• 当事者は、紛争を仲裁に付託した日から90日以内に、仲裁員に裁定を行うよう依頼することに同意します。
• 仲裁は、費用についての裁定を含め、最終的かつ拘束力があります。
• 和解提案または仲裁の過程で明らかにされた事項は、損害賠償の一部とはならず、当事者の法的責任を認めるものではありません。
• 本条項によって、当事者は緊急の仮差し止め措置を適切な管轄裁判所に請求することを妨げられないものとします。




いかがでしょうか? 注意点としては、企業名や固有名詞は別名に変換されることをお薦めします。なお、上の回答には一切修正を加えていません。

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